Friday 27 September 2019

How to migrate On-premise database to GCP BigQuery

In this scenario, we are going to transfer the on-premise MySQL database to BigQuery. As I am gcp certified and Data Engineer cum python developer so I will will use both gcp and python concept for this scenario. I do not prefer to use any third-party tools. I believe in KISS(Keep it Simple and Stupid )technique to solve the issues. We will discuss each step one by one.

1.     We have created a database on on-premise MySQL, for the reference see the below screenshot.

2.     Take the dump of desire database by using below command. Here I have flipkart database.

mysqldump --databases flipkart --quick --lock-tables=false > full-backup-$(date +%F).sql -u root -pIndia@123

Don’t give the space between password parameter which is -p and your root account password.
If you want to take backup of table into json format then run the below command
mysql-to-json -d mysql -u root -p -e 'SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables' > tables.json

3.     Now we need to push this file into Cloud Storage. But here is a problem BigQuery only supports :
        I.            Avro
     II.            CSV
   III.            JSON (newline delimited only)
  IV.            ORC
V.            Parquet
So we need to convert the mysql dump file into .sql to .json or .csv.
4.     For the the transform the .sql file into .csv or .json we have a python scripts which is given below
Note: Here we are converting into csv. 
command : python /path/mysql_dump.sql
 5.     Now we need to connect push the .csv file into GCP bucket. For that we need to install GCP CLI on on-premise instance.
A).     Update YUM with Cloud SDK repo information: just copy below command and Run it.
sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sdk.repo << EOM
name=Google Cloud SDK
B).       Install the Cloud SDK: Run the below command, it will ask to pass some parameters so put it accordingly.
yum install google-cloud-sdk



C). Run gcloud init to get started:
 Command: gcloud init
It will ask for verification, copy the link from current terminal and paste it into browser and authenticate with you gcp account credentials. it looks like below.

D).       Put the gcp credential and you will get verification link, for reference find below the screenshot.

Now Our on-premise environment successfully connected with gcp environment.

E). Now push the data into Cloud Storage by using below command:
Commant : gsutil cp dump.csv gs://sales-007

So we have successfully imported the data into GCP Storage and we easily import the data into BigQuery by Selecting the import from Cloud Storage option.  


  1. Thanks for sharing this Informative content. Well explained. Got to learn new things from your article
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